Finding My Sheep

Ever since I wrote the song “The Lord is My Shepherd” to help kids memorize Psalm 23 I have been looking for live sheep (specifically lambs) to film as a part of a music video for my YouTube channel:

I recently moved to an area that has a lot of farms nearby and so I thought finding some sheep would be an easy endeavor. But as it turned out, it wasn’t so easy.

I was put in contact with many sheep owners but for one reason or another each connection fell through. 

Until last week! 

Last week, I was able to film with live sheep not just at one but two locations! 

I was able to get footage with lambs a bit older and larger at one location and also had the joy of filming with 3 day old lamb triplets at a local farm a few days later.

After all the time searching for my sheep, I am grateful to these folks for their time and support!! If you live in or around Sussex County, NJ be sure to visit:

Farmside Supplies at

And I hope you enjoy my new video!

For the good of our kids.
For the glory of Christ.





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