A "Word" from Ms. Catherine

Finding My Sheep 

Ever since I wrote the song “The Lord is My Shepherd” https://catherinemeekins.com/the-lord-is-my-shepherd-psalm-23 to help kids memorize Psalm 23 I have been looking for live sheep (specifically lambs) to film as a part of a music video for my YouTube channel:

I recently moved to an area that has a lot of farms nearby and so I thought finding some sheep would be an easy endeavor. But as it turned out, it wasn’t so easy.

I was put in contact with many sheep owners but for one reason or another each connection fell through. 

Until last week! 

Last week, I was able to film with live sheep not just at one but two locations! 

I was able to get footage with lambs a bit older and larger at one location and also had the joy of filming with 3 day old lamb triplets at a local farm a few days later.

After all the time searching for my sheep, I am grateful to these folks for their time and support!! If you live in or around Sussex County, NJ be sure to visit:

Farmside Supplies at https://www.facebook.com/farmsidesupplies/

And I hope you enjoy my new video!

For the good of our kids.
For the glory of Christ.





Esther Frye: A Children’s Minister I would Like to Honor 


I met Esther Frye when she was an older woman, already a widow of 90. I had heard about her amazing chalk art ministry, using detailed chalk drawings and engaging story-telling to present the gospel with children and adults in churches throughout the area.  Her husband had just died and she needed a traveling companion to drive with her, help her set up equipment, and even at times stay overnight in a hotel with her if her traveling took her far enough away. I don’t remember how I got connected with her, but she asked me to help her...and I jumped at the opportunity! She was an amazing woman of God who had artistic gifts I marveled at. Chalk art presentations had become a thing of the past and I saw the irreplaceable value in it...and in her. And, honestly, it was just fun to witness her work!


As I look back, however, it wasn’t Esther’s sweet personality (she had the most darling, soft, sweet voice) or her incredible artistic gifts (everyone young and old was mesmerized during her presentations), but it was her PASSION and PERSISTENCE for the gospel of Jesus Christ that made the biggest impression on me.


For one thing, she was still actively spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in her 90s!!! I remember thinking, “ I want to be like this to my dying day. As long as I have the health to do it, I want to use ALL my moments to share Jesus with anyone I can.” And Esther Frye did just that.


I remember checking into a hotel one night after helping her with a church presentation. It was late and I could see she was very tired. Our own conversation had begun to dwindle in the car ride there, but as we were checking in to get our room key, my heart was both blessed and challenged as I watched her reach over the counter, gently grab the hand of the young girl checking us in, and ask with her sweet, aged voice, “Do you know the Lord?” By the look on the young girl’s face I could see the swing of emotions from discomfort to appreciation to acceptance. I often think back to that moment. It really affected me.


Esther was not just sweet in her presentation of the gospel, however. She could be fierce. She was especially fiery about making sure correct doctrine was taught and communicated in church. There were several occasions where we were traveling to a church that taught a doctrine not in line with the Bible. One church did not believe in teaching about the blood of Jesus. Esther spoke to me about this on the way to set up for the evening and asked me to be praying. I had to chuckle during her presentation that night. I never heard so many references to blood in a children’s talk!


I am sure I only saw the tip of the iceberg by the time I met Esther Frye but it was still a sight to see! And to God be the glory! My hope and prayer is that God will raise up others like Esther to spread His good news, especially children’s ministry workers-those who have creative gifts of communication to tell the greatest story ever told to a new generation who is dying to hear it.

Our LATEST YouTube Video (Memorizing John 1:14) 

It's Christmas time and in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, our normal routines can often be swept under the Christmas tree. But if there is one routine that SHOULD NOT be forgotten this season it's memorizing scripture with the kiddos in our lives. Children have an AMAZING memory capacity, and there will be no better phase of life for them to absorb the truth of God's Word into their mind than right now. 

But, the question is, does memorizing the Bible have to be as boring as your neighbor's gingerbread cookies? Wordsworth and I would say ABSOLUTELY NOT! 

That is why we created our latest YouTube video to help your kids memorize John 1:14 and keep them smiling the whole way through. It's our prayer that this video - and all the ones to come - will make your “Weekly WORD Work” an integral part of you and your kiddos' routine! 

Bows and Bowties 

Who would have thought I would be spending my days making bowties? But since Word loves himself a good bowtie, I am making him a wardrobe full! 

I picked out fabric patterns for various seasons, especially Christmas and Easter when we do most of our performances.  I didn't spend any money on them, of course, as Word is so frugal and wouldn't stand for that. I simply found scraps in our basement and asked friends for donations. I and - more importantly - Word, are very pleased with the results. 

What bowties are to Word, hairbows (or hairclips) are to me now.  This isn't necessarily a fashion preference of mine, but more of a necessity. I am realizing that when I make my YouTube Videos, one side of my face is always toward the audience and my hair can get in the way. So, I am now gathering a plethora of hairclips that may soon outdo Word's bowtie collection. I am making them out of polymer clay and having a lot of fun in the process. I feel like a little girl again. (Don't judge me!)

But what do bows and bowties have to do with teaching the kids the Bible? Well, nothing really. Except that the apostle Paul said “by all means… reach some.” And I totally agree!