Bows and Bowties

Who would have thought I would be spending my days making bowties? But since Word loves himself a good bowtie, I am making him a wardrobe full! 

I picked out fabric patterns for various seasons, especially Christmas and Easter when we do most of our performances.  I didn't spend any money on them, of course, as Word is so frugal and wouldn't stand for that. I simply found scraps in our basement and asked friends for donations. I and - more importantly - Word, are very pleased with the results. 

What bowties are to Word, hairbows (or hairclips) are to me now.  This isn't necessarily a fashion preference of mine, but more of a necessity. I am realizing that when I make my YouTube Videos, one side of my face is always toward the audience and my hair can get in the way. So, I am now gathering a plethora of hairclips that may soon outdo Word's bowtie collection. I am making them out of polymer clay and having a lot of fun in the process. I feel like a little girl again. (Don't judge me!)

But what do bows and bowties have to do with teaching the kids the Bible? Well, nothing really. Except that the apostle Paul said “by all means… reach some.” And I totally agree!